Global Business and International Trade, Refugee and Migration Crisis Management, and Technology Regulation
The Group of Twenty originated in response to global economic crises that necessitated urgent action and collaboration between the predominant world powers. From its origin, the Group of Twenty set a precedent of a collaboration between the elite countries of the world in order to subsequently prompt greater unity across the world overall. Beyond its economic origins, in recent years, the Group of Twenty has expanded its focus to cover a more broad variety of issues that are pressing the global community – allowing for diverse debate in a small setting.
Committee Type
Committee Size
Topic Intros
Technology Regulation
This topic will focus on the regulation of emerging technologies (like AI) to balance economic growth with cybersecurity.
Refugee and Migration Crisis Management
This topic will focus on coordinating humanitarian responses and long-term solutions emphasizing rights for displaced persons.
Global Business and International Trade
This topic will focus on tackling fragmented markets and corruption in multinational corporations to address global economic inequality.