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International Security & Crime


Gene Theft, Human Trafficking, and Transnational Criminal Organizations

The International Security and Crime Committee works to foster collaboration and cooperation among nations in order to combat transnational threats that pose risks to the safety and well-being of individuals and societies worldwide. This committee discusses and analyzes recent trends and shares insights on security challenges, identifies gaps in existing frameworks, and proposes policy recommendations to member states. Through international cooperation and discussion, the committee hopes to create a more secure and just world.

Committee Type


Committee Size


Topic Intros

Infiltration of State Institutions

The rise in transnational organized crime is attributed to and facilitated by advancements in technology, transportation, and communication. Criminal organizations exploit gaps in law enforcement and take advantage of global supply chains to conduct illicit activities on an international scale. Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) pose significant challenges to global security, stability, and development.

Arms Smuggling

Arms trafficking poses a significant threat to international security by fueling conflicts, empowering criminal networks, and worsening humanitarian crises globally. Conflict zones specifically attract the stock of illicitly smuggled weapons.

Gene Theft

This will cover the criminal issues regarding gene theft. This is a growing issue with little law against it and will be approached from the angle of that.

Committee Leadership

Shravan Kumar


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