Addressing the Spread of Violent Nationalism, Disruption of World Trade due to Global Conflict, and Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
Security Council is an enduring committee within the United Nations that proactively tackles challenges threatening international peace. The committee is distinguished among other UN bodies due to its unique composition and authority — it is the only committee where five select members hold the power to veto any resolution, making the interplay between nations quite fascinating. Security Council is a world of intense deliberation and critical decision-making. Delegates representing nations around the globe gather, unearthing current and pressing global concerns. The discourse that ensues is marked by a high degree of scrutiny and robust arguments, as each representative not only seeks to secure their nation's interests but also uphold the collective international security. The crux of their task lies in drafting comprehensive resolutions, elaborating upon the means and strategies to address the issue at hand. This involves an intricate balancing act between national interests and global peace, making the Security Council's work both engaging and paramount to global stability.
Committee Type
Committee Size
Topic Intros
Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict
This topic will focus on the extent in which the United Nations and respective member nation’s have the Responsibility to Protect. Additionally, the idea of housing refugees from war-torn nations will cause debate amongst member nations and veto-powers as some countries, like the U.S. for example, are trying to limit their immigration.
Disruption of World Trade due to Global Conflict
Resolutions about this topic will be focused on 4 main sub-topics: war zones, the South China Sea dispute, terrorism, and piracy. They veto powers will be very involved in debate as each nation has strong ties to at least one of the sub-topics.
Addressing the Spread of Violent Nationalism
This topic will address 3 main global security threats: rise of authoritarian rulers, military coups, and civilian unrest. China’s increasing dominance in Africa and the rise of leaders partnered with China will make debate surrounding who should help these nation’s will make it fascinating.