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World Health Organization


Addressing Health Challenges in Humanitarian Crises, Foodborne Illness, and Maternal and Child Health

The World Health Organization simulates how leaders would tackle global health concerns. It works towards achieving this goal by coordinating international efforts, providing technical assistance, setting health standards and guidelines, conducting research, and monitoring health trends and statistics. The WHO plays an important role in responding to global health crises such as outbreaks of infectious diseases or natural disasters. Delegates will debate and propose resolutions to address public health issues.

Committee Type


Committee Size


Topic Intros

Maternal and Child Health

Across the globe thousands of mothers and children die before, during, or after child birth due to improper healthcare services. This topic will cover focusing on reducing maternal and child mortality rates, improving healthcare during pregnancy, and ensuring access to essential services.

Foodborne Illness

Foodborne illnesses are caused by contaminated food sources (bacteria, viruses, parasites, chemicals, etc) and they can harm the health of consumers, especially those living in countries where food quality regulation is limited.

Addressing Health Challenges in Humanitarian Crises

Humanitarian crises are categorized as emergency situations that can result in disastrous conditions for a community/group, oftentimes leading to increased rates of mortality, malnutrition, the spread of diseases, and other detrimental health emergencies. This topic will address how to combat these issues before/after they arise.

Committee Leadership

Sophia Labazzo

Scotch Plains-Fanwood

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